Saturday, February 28, 2015

Valuable Sources to Help You Gain Muscle or Shed Body Fat

Earlier this week I gave you the appetizer into what it takes to pack on muscle or shred some body fat, but now I wanna give you more of a main course. There really is a lot more science that goes into dieting properly for the best results.

Bulking or cutting comes down to understanding your body’s daily caloric needs and then adding or subtracting the right amount in order to achieve your desired outcome over time. It is hard to give an exact caloric number here because everyone has different needs but I find that has a great macronutrient and caloric intake calculator that will tell you the exact amount of protein, carbohydrates, and fats you should be eating on a daily basis.

Now that you have determined what your fitness goals are and you calculated your macronutrient needs on, it can still be hard to know if what you are eating is perfectly in line with your long term plan. 

In my last post I had mentioned a diet-tracking app called MyFitnessPal, and here I want to reiterate that this app is a very powerful tool in reaching your goals. 

I use the app on a daily basis and it allows me to input my needed macronutrient numbers, track my calories, organize my meals, and it even has a barcode scanner to get quick information on any food.  

Go check out these invaluable sources and if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask.

To find out more about the Fit Life Guru follow the link >

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