Saturday, February 14, 2015

The beginner’s guide to Eating Clean

Earlier this week I talked about the basics of fitness training and now I’m going to enlighten you about the basics of eating clean for your overall health and fitness goals.

Pesky cravings for something sweet or salty have all gotten the best of us at one point or another. Adopting clean Eating habits is probably one of the hardest habits you can form because it is ongoing and there is always so much food around us. In the beginning it can be hard to deny your cravings, but with a bit of commitment and discipline you can become a healthy fitness machine.

So let's get to it!
  • Throughout all dieting research that I have done, I have realized that cutting out sugary drinks like soda and juice is the fastest way to reduce calories and sugar intake. It is always best to stick with the liquid of life; keep some water nearby and stay hydrated.
  • The next biggest thing you can do is eat whole foods such as real fruit, whole grains, grass-fed and free-range meats, and unsalted raw nuts. Additionally it is best to stay away from any form of processed foods. These are foods that typically contain chemicals to extend their shelf life. If you can’t pronounce the ingredient or if the ingredient sounds like a chemical then you shouldn’t eat it.  The Most Common Food Preservatives and chemicals are phosphates, nitrates, sulfites, natural flavors, and MonoSodium Glutamate (MSG)
  •  Lastly try to eat 4 to 6 smaller meals throughout the day. This frequency will increase your natural metabolism and in turn help you acheive your dieting goals. Also be sure to have a well-balanced mix of proteins, carbs, and veggies. 

I will touch more on dieting and macronutrient tracking in later weeks. If you have any fitness or dieting related questions be sure to comment to me on

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