Thursday, February 12, 2015

The beginner’s guide to Training

Most articles you will read are all about advanced lifts, sets, reps, and specific techniques to use when doing certain exercises, but the authors of these articles mostly focus on experienced lifters and never really explain things for a beginner.

With so much information already out there, choosing the right routine can be an overwhelming challenge, but with a little knowledge of the basics it isn’t hard to find the right program.

Whenever I'm at the book store or have some free time on the computer I like to stay current on the latest in fitness. One of the newest and most effective sources that I just started reading is TRAIN Magazine. This is not your average men's health or freak bodybuilding magazine. TRAIN Magazine has tons of information on training techniques, workout plans, proper nutrition, supplementation, and it's all from people with real acheivable transformations.

For all the beginners out there, check out TRAIN Magazine with A Novice’s Guide to Training

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